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Et par hundrede meter fra forrige billede, og parallelt med UP-strækningen i forgrunden, udgår Texas Northeastern Railroad fra Texarkana. Det er en shortline med p.t. kun et enkelt lokomotiv, nemlig denne GP38 med en fortid hos Central Oregon & Pacific.

Vi hørte TNER afgå, og kørte ud til en overkørsel hvor vi kom til at holde forrest for toget. Som kørte ganske langsomt, og var MEGET langt... Og det standsede adskillige minutter og kørte så laaangsomt videre. Men til sidst kom vi da over banen, og kørte ud af byen for at "fange" TNER-toget igen.

A couple of hundred yards from the previous shot, and parallel to the UP-line in the foreground, the Texas Northeastern Railroad leaves Texarkana. It's a shortline that currently rosters only this one locomotive, a GP38 with an obvious past with the Central Oregon & Pacific.

We heard TNER depart, and headed to a road crossing where we happened to be first in line for the train. Which was very slow, and VERY long... And it stopped for several minutes before sloooowly heading on. But eventually we made it across and headed out of town to catch him again.