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Dagens togjagt starter ved Neville, fra en bro til Neville Island i Ohio River (scroll billedet over skærmen for at se det hele). Neville Island er mest industri, som koksværket til venstre. Til højre ses CSX' hovedstrækning, og i baggrunden til højre resterne af McKees Rocks yard som ikke længere bruges. Det venstre spor er den lokale shortline Pittsburgh & Ohio Central, som deler en bro til Neville Island med CSX.

The train hunting of the day started at Neville, from the bridge to Neville Island (scroll the picture across the screen to see it all). Neville Island is mostly industry, like the coke plant to the left. To the right is CSX' mainline and in the rightmost background the remains of McKees Rocks yard which isn't used anymore. The leftmost track is Pittsburgh & Ohio Central, which shares the bridge to the island with CSX.