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Vi ankom ved 10-tiden, og lidt efter 12 var vi ved den sydligste ende af Settle & Carlisle, nemlig Settle Junction. På søndage er der ikke andet end 3 par  persontog (motorvogne) på S&C, men her ved Settle Jct var der i det mindste lige så meget trafik på "Little North Western Railway" til Lancaster og Morecambe.

Settle Junction er en fin eksponent for strækningen, med mekanisk sikringsanlæg i den flot vedligeholdte "signalbox".

We arrived 10-ish and shortly after 12 we were at the southern end of the Settle & Carlisle, at Settle Junction.  On Sundays there's only 3 pairs of passenger trains on the S&C, but here at Settle Jct there's also the traffic from the "Little North Western Railway" line to Lancaster and Morecambe.

Settle Junction is a very nice picture of the line: Mechanical signaling in the nicely maintained "signalbox".