
 Togkiggeferie England, nov. 2009
Railfanning UK Nov. 2009

Turen i maj 2009 var en appetitvækker, og i november lykkedes det Markolf Gudjons og jeg at slippe afsted til England igen, denne gang for en uge.

Vi startede igen med nogle dage ved The Settle & Carlisle Line, og kørte derefter til the Peak District  (sydøst for Manchester). 

Nedenfor er turen præsenteret dag for dag gennem et udvalg af mine fotos. Klik på billederne og tag med!

The trip in May 2009 was an appetizer, and in November MArkolf Gudjons and I succeeded in going to England again, this time for a week.

Again we started out with some days at the Settle & Carlisle line, then we went to the Peak Districk southeast of Manchester.

Below the trip story is told through a selection of my photos, day by day. Click on the photos and join the trip!

Lørdag d. 14/11:
Garsdale, Ais Gill, Kirkby Stephen
Sunday, November 14:
Garsdale, Ais Gill, Kirkby Stephen
Søndag d. 15/11:
Dent, Garsdale, Kirkby Stephen, Ais Gill
Sunday, November 15:
Dent, Garsdale, Kirkby Stephen, Ais Gill
Mandag d. 16/11:
Appleby, Culgaith, Kirkby Thore, Shotlock Hill
Monday, November 16:
Appleby, Culgaith, Kirkby Thore, Shotlock Hill
Tirsdag d. 17/11:
Denthead, Blea Moor Tunnel, Garsdale
Tuesday November 17:
Denthead, Blea Moor Tunnel, Garsdale
Onsdag d. 18/11:
Garsdale, Peak Forest
Wednesday November 18:
Garsdale, Peak Forest
Torsdag d. 19/11:
New Mills South Junction, Furness Vale, Peak Forest, Great Rocks Junction
Thursday, November 19:
New Mills South Junction, Furness Vale, Peak Forest, Great Rocks Junction
Fredag d. 20/11:
Great Rocks Junction, Earles Sidings, Peak Forest
Friday, November 20:
Great Rocks Junction, Earles Sidings, Peak Forest