
 Togkiggeferie England, april 2010
Railfanning UK, April 2010

Igen afsted til England. Lokationerne var en gentagelse af turen i november 2009, men denne gang kunne Markolf ikke få fri. I stedet tog min forlovede, Dorthe, med på turen. Og til min store overraskelse blev det ikke mindre togtur af den grund! :-)

Vi startede igen med nogle dage ved The Settle & Carlisle Line, og kørte derefter til the Peak District  (sydøst for Manchester). 

Nedenfor er turen præsenteret dag for dag gennem et udvalg af mine fotos. Klik på billederne og tag med!

Off to the UK again. The locations were a repeat of the November 2009 trip, but this time Markolf couldn't get time off work. Instead my fiancee Dorthe joined me, and much to my surprise it didn't become less of a railfan's trip! :-)

Again we started out with some days at the Settle & Carlisle line, then we went to the Peak Districk southeast of Manchester.

Below the trip story is told through a selection of my photos, day by day. Click on the photos and join the trip!

Søndag d. 24/4:
Garsdale, Appleby
Sunday, April 24:
Garsdale, Appleby
Mandag d. 25/4:
Garsdale, Lunds, Ais Gill
Monday, April 25:
Garsdale, Lunds, Ais Gill
Tirsdag d. 26/4:
Blea Moor
Tuesday, April 26:
Blea Moor
Onsdag d. 27/4:
Denthead, Ribblehead, Settle Junction
Wednesday, April 27:
Denthead, Ribblehead, Settle Junction
Torsdag d. 28/4:
Great Rocks Junction, Dowlow, Peak Forest
Thursday, April 28:
Great Rocks Junction, Dowlow, Peak Forest
Fredag d. 29/4:
Friday, April 29: